function firstExample(solver, modeldir) % Create an AMPL instance ampl = AMPL; %% If the AMPL installation directory is not in the system search path: % ampl = AMPL('full path to the AMPL installation directory'); % Initialization if nargin >= 2 modeldirectory = fullfile(modeldir, 'diet'); else basef = fileparts(which('dietModel')); addpath(fullfile(basef, '../../matlab')); modeldirectory = fullfile(basef, '..', 'models', 'diet'); end if nargin >= 1 && ~isempty(solver) ampl.setOption('solver', solver); end % Display version ampl.eval('option version;'); % Load from file the ampl model[modeldirectory '/diet.mod']); ampl.readData([modeldirectory '/diet.dat']); % Solve ampl.solve % Get objective map by AMPL name totalcost = ampl.getObjective('Total_Cost'); % Print it fprintf('Objective is: %f\n' ,totalcost.value()); % Reassign data - specific instances cost = ampl.getParameter('cost'); cost.setValues({'BEEF';'HAM'}, [5.01; 4.55]); disp('Increased costs of beef and ham.'); % Resolve and display objective ampl.solve(); fprintf('New objective value: %f\n', totalcost.value()); % Reassign data - all instances cost.setValues([3, 5, 5, 6, 1, 2, 5.01, 4.55]); disp('Updated all costs'); % Resolve and display objective ampl.solve(); fprintf('New objective value: %f\n', totalcost.value()); % Get the values of the variable Buy in a dataframe object buy = ampl.getVariable('Buy'); df = buy.getValues; % Print them df % Close the AMPL object ampl.close(); end