import; import com.ampl.AMPL; import com.ampl.Parameter; import com.ampl.Variable; import com.ampl.Environment; public class TrackingModel { public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException { String baseDir = args.length > 1 ? args[1] : "../models"; String modelDirectory = baseDir + "/tracking"; // Create an AMPL instance AMPL ampl = new AMPL(); /* * // If the AMPL installation directory is not in the system search path: * Environment env = new Environment( * "full path to the AMPL installation directory"); * AMPL ampl = new AMPL(env); */ // Outer try-catch-finally block, to be sure of releasing the AMPL // object when done try { if (args.length > 0) if (!args[0].equals("NA")) ampl.setOption("solver", args[0]); // Load the AMPL model from file + "/tracking.mod"); // Read data ampl.readData(modelDirectory + "/tracking.dat"); // Read table declarations + "/"); // Set tables directory (parameter used in the script above) ampl.getParameter("data_dir").set(modelDirectory); // Read tables ampl.readTable("assets"); ampl.readTable("indret"); ampl.readTable("returns"); Variable hold = ampl.getVariable("hold"); Parameter ifinuniverse = ampl.getParameter("ifinuniverse"); // Relax the integrality ampl.setBoolOption("relax_integrality", true); // Solve the problem ampl.solve(); double lowcutoff = 0.04; double highcutoff = 0.1; // Get the variable representing the (relaxed) solution vector double[] holddf = hold.getValues().getColumnAsDoubles("hold.val"); // For each asset, if it was held by more than the highcutoff, // forces it in the model, if less than lowcutoff, forces it out double[] toHold = new double[holddf.length]; for (int i = 1; i < toHold.length; i++) { if (holddf[i] < lowcutoff) toHold[i] = 0; else if (holddf[i] > highcutoff) toHold[i] = 2; else toHold[i] = 1; } // uses those values for the parameter ifinuniverse, which controls // which stock is included or not in the solution ifinuniverse.setValues(toHold); // Get back to the integer problem ampl.setBoolOption("relax_integrality", false); // Solve the (integer) problem ampl.solve(); } finally { ampl.close(); } } }