using ampl; using ampl.Entities; using System; using System.Linq; namespace Examples { public class EfficientFrontier { public static int Main(string[] args) { string modelDirectory = ((args != null) && (args.Length > 0)) ? args[0] : "../../models"; modelDirectory += "/qpmv"; string solver = ((args != null) && (args.Length > 1)) ? args[1] : null; /* // If the AMPL installation directory is not in the system search path: ampl.Environment env = new ampl.Environment( "full path to the AMPL installation directory"); // Create an AMPL instance using (AMPL a = new AMPL(env)) {} */ // Create an AMPL instance using (AMPL ampl = new AMPL()) { // Number of steps of the efficient frontier const int steps = 10; if (solver != null) ampl.SetOption("solver", solver); ampl.SetOption("reset_initial_guesses", true); ampl.SetOption("send_statuses", false); ampl.SetOption("Solver", "cplex"); // Load the AMPL model from file ampl.Read(modelDirectory + "/qpmv.mod"); ampl.Read(modelDirectory + "/"); // set tables directory (parameter used in the script above) ampl.GetParameter("data_dir").Set(modelDirectory); // Read tables ampl.ReadTable("assetstable"); ampl.ReadTable("astrets"); Variable portfolioReturn = ampl.GetVariable("portret"); Parameter averageReturn = ampl.GetParameter("averret"); Parameter targetReturn = ampl.GetParameter("targetret"); Objective variance = ampl.GetObjective("cst"); // Relax the integrality ampl.SetOption("relax_integrality", true); // Solve the problem ampl.Solve(); // Calibrate the efficient frontier range double minret = portfolioReturn.Value; DataFrame values = averageReturn.GetValues(); DataFrame.Column col = values.GetColumn("averret"); double maxret = col.Max().Dbl; double stepsize = (maxret - minret) / steps; double[] returns = new double[steps]; double[] variances = new double[steps]; for (int i = 0; i < steps; i++) { Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Solving for return = {0}", maxret - (i - 1) * stepsize)); // set target return to the desired point targetReturn.Set(maxret - (i - 1) * stepsize); ampl.Eval("let stockopall:={};let stockrun:=stockall;"); // Relax integrality ampl.SetOption("relax_integrality", true); ampl.Solve(); Console.WriteLine(string.Format("QP result = {0}", variance.Value)); // Adjust included stocks ampl.Eval("let stockrun:={i in stockrun:weights[i]>0};"); ampl.Eval("let stockopall:={i in stockrun:weights[i]>0.5};"); // set integrality back ampl.SetOption("relax_integrality", false); ampl.Solve(); Console.WriteLine(string.Format("QMIP result = {0}", variance.Value)); // Store data of corrent frontier point returns[i] = maxret - (i - 1) * stepsize; variances[i] = variance.Value; } // Display efficient frontier points Console.WriteLine(" RETURN VARIANCE"); for (int i = 0; i < steps; i++) Console.WriteLine(string.Format("{0,10:0.00000} {1,10:0.00000}", returns[i], variances[i])); } return 0; } } }